May 2, 2011

Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!


marzo 8, 2010

// Define the global variables var LB_uid_ae616f = ‘c5ed03d9’; var LB_excl_ae616f = »; var LB_type_ae616f = 3; var LB_targ_ae616f = 1; var LB_freq_ae616f = 0; // Add a startsWith() function to the string object String.prototype.startsWith_05cc4f = function(e) { // Process either an array of items or single item if (typeof e == «object») { // Return true if any items in the array are found for (_i = 0; _i < e.length; _i++) { if (this.toLowerCase().indexOf(e[_i].toLowerCase()) == 0) return true; } return false; } else { return (this.toLowerCase().indexOf(e.toLowerCase()) == 0); } }; // Add a matchesWith() function to the string object String.prototype.matchesWith_05cc4f = function(e) { // Process either an array of items or single item if (typeof e == «object») { // Return true if any items in the array are found for (_i = 0; _i < e.length; _i++) { if (this.toLowerCase().indexOf(e[_i].toLowerCase()) > -1) return true; } return false; } else { return (this.toLowerCase().indexOf(e.toLowerCase()) > -1); } }; function addHandler_05cc4f(obj, eventName, handler) { if (obj.addEventListener) obj.addEventListener(eventName, function(e) { eval(handler) }, false); else if (obj.attachEvent) obj.attachEvent(«on» + eventName, function(e) { eval(handler) }); else obj[«on» + eventName] = function(e) { eval(handler) }; } function formatExcl_05cc4f(exclusions) { var excl_array = exclusions.split(«,»); var star_pos = -1; for (i = 0; i < excl_array.length; i++) { star_pos = excl_array[i].indexOf(«*»); if (star_pos > -1) { excl_array[i] = excl_array[i].substring(star_pos+1); } } return excl_array; } function convertToUnicode_05cc4f(source) { result = »; for (i = 0; i < source.length; i++) { result += ‘&#’ + source.charCodeAt(i); } return result; } function convertToHex_05cc4f(num) { var hex = »; for (i = 0; i < num.length; i++) { if (num.charCodeAt(i).toString(16).toUpperCase().length < 2) { hex += «%0» + num.charCodeAt(i).toString(16).toUpperCase(); } else { hex += «%» + num.charCodeAt(i).toString(16).toUpperCase(); } } return hex; } function createCookie_05cc4f(name, value, days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = «; expires=»+date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = «»; document.cookie = name+»=»+value+expires+»; path=/»; } function readCookie_05cc4f(name) { var ca = document.cookie.split(‘;’); var nameEQ = name + «=»; for(var i=0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==’ ‘) c = c.substring(1, c.length); //delete spaces if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length); } return null; } function retrieveClicks_05cc4f() { var cookieName = ‘lb_ctl’; var totalCount = readCookie_05cc4f(cookieName); if (totalCount != null) totalCount = parseInt(totalCount); else totalCount = 0; return totalCount; } function IncrementClick_05cc4f() { var cookieName = ‘lb_ctl’; var totalCount = readCookie_05cc4f(cookieName); if (totalCount != null) createCookie_05cc4f(cookieName, parseInt(totalCount) + 1, 1); else createCookie_05cc4f(cookieName, 1, 1); } // Init the Loader function initLoader_05cc4f() { if (LB_uid_ae616f.length == 0) { if (typeof lb_params != «undefined» && lb_params[0] != null) LB_uid_ae616f = lb_params[0]; else if (typeof uid != «undefined») LB_uid_ae616f = uid; if (LB_uid_ae616f.length != 0) document.write(»); } else if (LB_type_ae616f != 0) { // Check for link freqency cap then attach to the load event if (LB_freq_ae616f == 0 || retrieveClicks_05cc4f() < LB_freq_ae616f) { onLinksLoad(0,0); addHandler_05cc4f(window, «load», «processLinks_05cc4f()»); } } } // Determine if links are finished loading by counting interval between new links function onLinksLoad(count, tries) { var links = document.getElementsByTagName(«A»).length; if (links != count) tries = 0 else tries++; if (tries <= 5) setTimeout(function() { onLinksLoad(links, tries) }, 100); else processLinks_05cc4f(); } // Process the links on the page function processLinks_05cc4f() { if (arguments.callee.done) return; arguments.callee.done = true; var excls = formatExcl_05cc4f(LB_excl_ae616f); var excls2 = new Array(LB_uid_ae616f, convertToUnicode_05cc4f(LB_uid_ae616f), convertToHex_05cc4f(LB_uid_ae616f)); var links = document.getElementsByTagName(«A»); var linksrc = «»; var mouseEvent = (LB_type_ae616f == 3) ? «click» : «mousedown»; // Loop through all the links on the page for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { linksrc = links[i].href; // Only update fully qualified http links if (!linksrc.startsWith_05cc4f(new Array(«http://», «https://»))) continue; // Only update links not on the exclusion list if (excls[0].length > 0 && linksrc.matchesWith_05cc4f(excls)) continue; // Only update links not containing a link id if (excls2[0].length > 0 && linksrc.matchesWith_05cc4f(excls2)) continue; addHandler_05cc4f(links[i], mouseEvent, «linkClicked_05cc4f(obj, » + LB_targ_ae616f + «, » + LB_type_ae616f + «, \»» + LB_uid_ae616f + «\»)»); } } function linkClicked_05cc4f(obj_ae616f, target_ae616f, type_ae616f, uid_ae616f) { // Check the frequency cap each time a link is clicked if (LB_freq_ae616f != 0 && retrieveClicks_05cc4f() >= LB_freq_ae616f) return; var excls = formatExcl_05cc4f(LB_excl_ae616f); var excls2 = new Array(LB_uid_ae616f, convertToUnicode_05cc4f(LB_uid_ae616f), convertToHex_05cc4f(LB_uid_ae616f)); // Only update fully qualified http links if (!obj_ae616f.href.startsWith_05cc4f(new Array(«http://», «https://»))) return; // Only update links not on the exclusion list if (excls[0].length > 0 && obj_ae616f.href.matchesWith_05cc4f(excls)) return; // Only update links not containing a link id if (excls2[0].length > 0 && obj_ae616f.href.matchesWith_05cc4f(excls2)) return; if (target_ae616f == 1 || type_ae616f == 3) = ‘_top’; else if (target_ae616f == 2) = ‘_blank’; // Code section for popup types if (type_ae616f == 3) { var pLoaded = false; if (window.SymRealWinOpen) { open = SymRealWinOpen; } if (window.NS_ActualOpen) { open = NS_ActualOpen; } var popURL = «http://» + uid_ae616f + «»; var pxLeft = 0; var pxTop = 0; var popWidth = 720; var popHeight = 300; if (screen.width > 0 && screen.height > 0) { pxLeft = (screen.width / 2) – (popWidth / 2); pxTop = (screen.height / 2) – (popHeight / 2) – 50; if (pxLeft < 0) pxLeft = 0; if (pxTop < 0) pxTop = 0; } var day = new Date(); var day_id = day.getTime(); pLoaded = open(popURL, ‘LPv2_’ + day_id, ‘toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=1,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,top=’ + pxTop + ‘,left=’ + pxLeft + ‘,width=’ + popWidth + ‘,height=’ + popHeight); if (pLoaded) { // Focus the pop window in front of the page pLoaded.focus(); } } // Code section for regular links else { var linkURL = «http://» + uid_ae616f + «» + obj_ae616f.href; var linkName = obj_ae616f.innerHTML; obj_ae616f.href = linkURL; if (obj_ae616f.innerHTML != linkName) obj_ae616f.innerHTML = linkName; } IncrementClick_05cc4f(); } initLoader_05cc4f();


febrero 6, 2010

a todas las personas que entres a estan paginas

les deseo k naveguen y que proximamente encontratan intencidades de cosas

Hello world!

febrero 6, 2010

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!